Michigan 10th Congressional District Republicans

Ronald Reagan Dinner

Photos from the 2019 10th District Ragan Dinner held June 11, 2019.

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The Event
10th District Chair, Stanley Grot
Kurt Broadbridge & Stanley Grot
Eric Chilcote, Nancy Tiseo, & Benjamin Hirschmann
Eric Chilcote, Nancy Tiseo, & Benjamin Hirschmann
Tom Leonard & Gaylene Hunter
Matt & Tina Seely & Darlene
Darlene, John James, & Grace Norris
Kimberly Lynn, Miron Pamela,
Cindy Ann, Andrea Michelle
Nancy Tiseo & John James
Meshaun Maddock & Kathy Berden
Meshaun Maddock & Kathy Berden
Reagan Dinner Welcome
Trump Build The Wall mobile display, Rob Cortis
Trump Build The Wall mobile display, Rob Cortis
Auto Workers for Trump, Dan Acciacca,
Denise Acciacca, Brian Pannebecker, Nelson Westrick,
Paul Previdi, Dan Casagrande, Michael Novak,
Ken Antovski, Chris Vitale, Brian Brown
Auto Workers for Trump, Dan Acciacca,
Denise Acciacca, Brian Pannebecker, Nelson Westrick,
Paul Previdi, Dan Casagrande, Michael Novak,
Ken Antovski, Chris Vitale, Brian Brown
Lee Belding, Brandon Hall, Paul Stephens,
Tom Leonard, Kevin Tatulyan, Chase Turner
Michael Farage
Laura Cox & Youth
Laura Cox & Dorian Thompson
National Committeeman Dr. Rob Steele
& Kathy Zelmanski
The Program
Kathy Berden, Laura Cox, & Ronna McDaniel
Ronna McDaniel & Brad Parscale
National Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel
Stanley Grot
Stanley Grot
Stanley Grot
John James
Kathy Berden & Laura Cox
Kathy Berden
Laura Cox
National Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel
Brian Pannebecker
National Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel
Brad Parscale
Laura Cox, Ronna McDaniel,
Brad Parscale, & Stanley Grot
Laura Cox, Ronna McDaniel,
Brad Parscale, & Stanley Grot
Laura Cox, Ronna McDaniel,
Brad Parscale, & Stanley Grot
Laura Cox, Ronna McDaniel, Brad Parscale,
Stanley Grot, & Kathy Berden
Koen Driesen, Drew Fox, Jill Agusti,
Stanley Grot, Matt Smith, Dominic Jakubowski,
Jaden Rittenbury
Craig Cowper, Gaylene Hunter, Lenore Kurek,
Barb VanSyckel, Stanley Grot, Michael Pratt,
Susan Pietra, Kurt Broadbridge, & children
Craig Cowper, Christine Comaty, Gaylene Hunter,
Lenore Kurek, Barb VanSyckel, Stanley Grot,
Michael Pratt, Susan Pietra,
Kurt Broadbridge, & children
Anthony Garand, Michaela Klusman, Kacie Putman,
Brandon Putman, Billy Putman, Jennifer Putman,
Casey Armitage
Kurt Broadbridge, Larry Rocca, Michael Pratt,
Stanley Grot, & Craig Cowper
The photographers, Darlene & Ken
The photographers, Darlene & Ken
Birthday cards for Donald J. Trump
The photographer, Ken
Trump 2020, Keep America Great
Veterans for Trump
Brad Parscale, Ronna McDaniel, & Ken
Terry Bowman, Dean Berden,
Andy Zaczek, & Kathy Berden
Ken, Paul Stephens, & Michael Farage
National Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel
& Ken the photographer
Jamie Roe & Ronna McDaniel
Benjamin Hirschmann & Ronna McDaniel
Eric Chilcote, Lenore Kurek, Benjamin Hirschmann,
Stanley Grot, & Jackie Roberts
Eric Chilcote, Lenore Kurek, Benjamin Hirschmann,
Stanley Grot, & Jackie Roberts